IASS Potsdam, IET- International Energy Transition GmbH, Energy Research Centre University of Capetown (ERC UCT), Council for Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR) (2019). IKI Co-benefits, Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation, and Nuclear Safety
Study on the revision of Feed-in-tariff for Solar PV in Viet Nam
Jacobs, D., Couture, T., Duc, Vu Ngoc (2018), IET - International Energy Transition GmbH, E3 Analytics, Institute of Energy, comissioned by GIZ Vietnam.
IRENA (2018), Global Energy Transformation: A roadmap to 2050, International Renewable Energy Agency, Abu Dhabi. (Consultants for REmap who assisted in preparation of this report include Toby Couture, David Jacobs and Owen Zinaman).
Jacobs, Spitzley, Han, Trinh, and Appleman (2018). Assessing the Applicability of Wind Energy Auction for Vietnam – A Comprehensive Overview, MOIT/GIZ Energy Support Programme.
IASS Potsdam, IET- International Energy Transition GmbH, Council for Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR), Prime Africa Consultants (2019). IKI Co-benefits, Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation, and Nuclear Safety
Medium-Scale Distributed Generation Net Metering in Mauritius
Jacobs, D. (2017), Medium-Scale Distributed Generation Net Metering in Mauritius: Analysis and Recommendations, Prepared for the Ministry of Energy and Public Utilities (Mauritius), Clean Energy Solution Center, Clean Energy Ministerial.
Net Metering in the Philippines
Couture, T., Jacobs, D., Dietrich, M. (2017), Technical Assistance for the Review of Pricing Methodology of the Net Metering Program in the Philippines, commissioned by the Energy Regulatory Commission (ERC) of the Philippines, February 2017
IASS Potsdam, IET- International Energy Transition GmbH, Council for Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR), Knowledge Pele, University of Stellenbosch – Centre for Complex Systems in Transition, and Change Pathways (2019). IKI Co-benefits, Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation, and Nuclear Safety
Jacobs, D., Rickerson, W., Berwick, A. (2016). Future Drivers and Trends Affecting Energy Development in Ontario – Lessons learned from Germany, the US and Beyond, report comissioned by Mowat Energy Center, School of Public Policy & Governance, University of Toronto.
Jacobs (2015). Designing Financing Mechanisms for Electricity from Renewable Energy Sources – The ambiguous role of the European Commission as an agenda shaper (Book Chapter)
Net Metering for Malaysia
Jacobs, D. (2015). Net Metering for Malaysia: policy options and recommendations, commissioned by SEDA (Sustainable Energy Development Agency), Malaysia.
Pescia, D., Graichen, P., Litz, P., Jacobs, D. et al. (2015). Understanding the Energiewende. FAQ on the ongoing transition of the German power system.
Couture, T., Jacobs, D., Rickerson, W., Healey, V. (2015). The next generation of renewable electricity policy – How rapid change is breaking down conventional policy categories
IASS Potsdam, IET- International Energy Transition GmbH, Council for Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR), Energy Research Centre and University of Pretoria, Smart grids research group (2019). IKI Co-benefits, Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation, and Nuclear Safety
Rickerson, W., Couture, T., Barbose, G., Jacobs, D., Parkinson, G., Chessin, E., Belden, A. (2014). Residential prosumers – Drivers and policy options (RE-Prosumers)
Jacobs, D. (2014). Policy Invention as a Process of Evolutionary Tinkering and Codification: the emergence of feed-in tariffs for renewable electricity, Environmental Politics, Special issue
Jacobs, D.; Rickerson, W.; Hanley, C.; Flynn, H., Solano, M.; Paredes, J.; Mazolf, N. (2013). Analysis of Renewable Energy Incentives in the Latin America and Caribbean Region: the feed-in tariff case
Rickerson, W., Laurent, C., Jacobs, D., Dietrich, C., Hanley, C. (2012), Feed-in tariffs as a policy instrument for promoting renewable energies and green economies in developing countries
Jacobs, D. and Sovacool, B. (2012). Feed-in tariffs and other support mechanisms for solar PV promotion: case studies from Germany, Spain, Singapore and the US (Book Chapter)